For long the generations of all ages have been waiting for a communication tool or a devise or a programme that can develop and bring in communication between the people sitting across two corners of the world, closer, may be either through audio or video or text.
The intervention of mobile could bring in some respite to this community.  But it had its own limitations.
The intuitive mind was not satisfied and that’s where Facebook gave a new face to the millions of people rather hearts, who were waiting just for such profile. It worked miracles. It is still a miracle.
Facebook gave that much needed and awaited platform for these people to interact and build a community of their choice. Look at it today, it is simply uncountable and unthinkable the number of messages or visuals Facebook exchanges on minute-to-minute basis. Freedom of expressions gave way to a new unimaginable interaction tool.
Who cared about how almost all of these messages will still always remain unaccountable?
But then the unthinkable happened. Assessing the glory it had achieved, Facebook just thought of robbing all the pockets when they launched their IPO.  Unfortunately, against all the predictions, it BOMBED Left and Blue.  The misery caught and left the biggest market thinkers and evaluaters, blank. What had happened ? 
The reasons may not be so complecated. The assessers, it is felt, worked only on `numbers’. That’s where the mistake happened. It is a simple saying, `a film star can pull crowd but it may not necessarily be able to build similar opinions’. Facebook created momoth numbers but not business prepositions.
The non-serious, time-pass, casual, unproductive, frivolous frustrated exchange of messages overpowered a beautiful tool and people more misused it rather using it optimally. The quantity that devastated the brand quality.
Facebook became a house-hold name, but a name that carried more fears than favours.
The computers and the mobiles gave way to Facebook but did anyone spoke to the parents of users (most of who still remain the teenagers) who only opposed the same.
The mistake happened when the users of Facebook were mistaken as the investors in Facebook IPO. The investors were for sure different.  That only proved that not necessary the popularity is always encashed into monetary terms.
Has the count on Facebook users gone done ? NO and it will not.  But has the quality of exchanges of messages & visuals deteriorated further ? YES, and it will remain.
From Katrina to Sunny, everything will always gather more views and likes than any serious campaign business.
The IPO will gain momentum when the quality of exchanges will improve.  It may lead to many opting out of this platform, but trust Bheja Fry, the valuation of Facebook will only increase then.
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